Hair Care Tips for Acne-prone Skin

When it comes to Acne, pretty much everything is related like Hair. Here are some great Hair Tips which you help your Hair and Skin. That said these tips are also applicable for others just not acne-prone skin 😉

  • Determine if you are oily/dry/normal hair and choose products accordingly.
  • Wash your Hair at least once or twice a week with a good shampoo.
  • If you are working out/or any other physical activity you tend to sweat including your scalp so it is necessary to wash your hair too.
  • Weather plays a key role in Acne and Hair. For Example, in summer you tend to sweat more and because of humidity if proper care not taken it aggravates the acne.
  • Using Hair Oil is not a must. Because most oils like Coconut oil are Highly Comedogenic. If you must insist try Johnson Baby Hair Oil which is Mineral oil or Cold compressed like Jojoba oils.


  • A good conditioner will suffice,but try to go for mild,water based as possible.They do you have oils which are Comedogenic and can cause acne.One way to counter this is since is not applied on the scalp,you easily wash from the back.
  • All Hair products like Hair spray,Leave in conditioners/serums,Mousse  etc are comedogenic too.They are not a must in the hair care routine.Try to limit the use and when you do try to keep away from the face by using your hand.
  • Do not share your Helmet and always wear cotton scarf/handkerchief  as it absorbs sweat before use a helmet and wash it everyday.Change the helmet at least once in 6 months for hygienic reasons.
  • Do not use Helmet if you have applied hair oil,it touches your face and most likely to get acne.
  • Hair Style is important to your face as much as you. Bangs,Hair falling on face thereby depositing hair products on skin too. So try keep your hair away from face by tying your hair. Choose a hairstyle to minimize contact with your forehead or cheek area.
  • Always wash your face after washing shampoo/conditioner to avoid accumulation of those products on your face and possible breakouts.
  • Avoid washing your hair in the front of your face,instead wash it in the back.
  • To avoid sun damage to the hair cover your head with a scarf/dupattas, hoodies/jackets,caps.
  • Do not touch Hair and then touch your face. If u do wash your hands. Scalp has some oil/dandruff/dirt there are chances of depositing on the face.
  • Style your hair before you apply your makeup. Wash hands thoroughly to remove all hair products before you touch your skin.
  • Change/wash your pillow covers at least once a week. Do not apply hair oil and sleep as you tend to soil the pillow too. High chances of getting acne when face touches the pillow. If you apply oil,wash it off within an hour.
  • One more suggestion is buy a pillow protector for your pillow. Pillow protectors are more hygienic and easy to wash and maintain. People suffering from body acne can use mattress protector too. Wash pillow/mattress protector at least once a week.(Pillow/Mattress Protectors are easily available online).
  • Never Sleep with your make up on.
  • Clean your specs 2-3 times in a week by running under a tap or soaking in a mug/glass of water with Dettol for 2-3 minutes. Use a Earbud/Q-Tip to clean the crevices and nose pads. Use a clean soft handkerchief to clean the spectacles. Be careful while cleaning. If its a metal frame please be extra careful. Wipe your Spectacle everyday keeping in mind the entire frame,nosepads,lenses.


  • Wipe your cellphone everyday with clean and mildly wet cotton pad.
  • Avoid buying hair products which have silicone/silicone oils as they are highly comedogenic.
  • Wash your hair before you go to bed to remove hair product that causes acne. Pull hair away from your face when you sleep with a ponytail or bun.
  • Always use separate towels for Face,Body and Hair.Wash them regularly.
  • Clean the comb by soaking in soap water and then later using a old tooth brush.


Image Credits:
Image 1:gagilas@flickr
Image 2:urbanewomenmag@flickr
Image 3:maria@flickr
Image 4:sigfridlundberg@flickr

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