Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon

Hi Everyone,
Monsoon has officially arrived in most parts of India.It is such relief from hot summers.The pleasant weather is a nice change.But with arrival of monsoons arises some health issues.So here are some handy tips to get through this monsoons!
1)Always drink 2-3 litres of clean and boiled water.Water is extremely essential for overall health.
2)Monsoon season is also allergy season.So take preventive measures and take your allergy medications.
3)Eat a healthy diet.Avoid spicy and deep fried foods.Avoid eating outside as prolonged exposure of food can lead to contamination of food and cause stomach/gastro-intestinal infections.Monsoon is the peak time for water-borne diseases.Eat warm and cooked food.Bacteria breed in uncooked foods.

Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon
4)Wear warm clothes to protect yourself from cold weather.Wear water-proof jackets during rains.Change into fresh and dry clothes.Never wear wet clothes.
5)Wash your feet and dry them thoroughly with a towel.Onset of monsoons means dirty and mucky rain water which leads to fungal infections.Avoid wearing closed type of shoes/boots,wet socks as lead accumulation of moisture and bad odour.Always dry your footwear in sun to air them out.Never wear wet shoes and socks.
6)Trim your nails to prevent accumulation of dirt,grime.
7)Rain and pollutants in air can also lead to eye infections like redness,soreness of eye.Use a eye drops to treat the irritation.
8)Monsoon season is also flu and viral season.Visit your doctor at the earliest and get yourself treated.

Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon
9)Keep your home and surroundings clean to prevent mosquito breeding.Use mosquito repellents.
10)Dry your hair in case you get wet as soon as possible.Don’t tie up wet hair as it will damage the hair and lead to hairfall.Wear hoodies or carry umbrellas to protect your hair.
11)Keep your hair styles clean and simple.Avoid using styling equipments and styling products.Use wide-tooth comb to remove tangles.
12)Use a good conditioner and hair serum to treat your hair and prevent frizziness ,hair fall.You also oil your hair once in a while.

Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon
13)Monsoons also leads to increases in scalp infections like dandruff,itchiness etc.Shampoo regularly with a mild shampoo and keep your hair and skin dry.
14)Monsoons aren’t the best weather to opt for hair colouring,perming etc as rain tend to wash it away and not allowing time to settle leading to hair fall and split ends.
15)Its a common misconception that you don’t need sunscreen on cloudy/rainy days.Always wear a good sunscreen and be sun safe.You can read more about it here.
16)Cleanse your face with a gentle and neutral cleansers.Avoid alcohol based skin care products as tend to cause more dryness.
17)Moisturise your skin with a good moisturiser.Pick a moisturiser according to your skin type.If your skin is oily-acne prone like mine,then opt for light and water based moisturisers like Aloe veda aloe vera gel,Sebamed Gel etc.

Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon
18)If you are prone to acne and breakouts,then follow a proper acne regimen like Metrogyl acne regimen or Epiduo acne regimen.So make it a point to include non-comedogenic products only.If you are using acne creams like retinoids/benzoyl peroxide/glycolic acid,they can cause some dryness/peeling.Decrease the frequency of application and opt for mild/neutral cleansers like Kaya Soothing Cleansing Gel.
19)Avoid long showers as hot water tends to strip off moisture from skin.Moisturise your body with body lotions/creams immediately after bath.
20)Apply hand and foot creams before sleep to prevent cracks,dryness etc.Use a foot file to exfoliate your feet.You can easily get basicare or scholl’s foot file online for around Rs.100.

Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon
21)Girls avoid wearing heavy make up as they tend to clog pores and lead to breakouts.Go for light make up which are water-proof and sweat-proof.
22)I almost forgot about lips.This weather leads to chapped lips.So always make it a point to use good lip balm with sunscreen.You can check lip balms options here.

23)If you are diabetic or asthmatic,take special care as damp weather leads to fungal infections.

24)Least but not the last,inculcate good personal hygiene by using anti-bacterial soaps etc.

Skin,Hair and Health care Tips for Monsoon

I wanted to write summer care tips which got delayed for many reasons.So this time I decided write monsoon tips before monsoon is over.Have a safe monsoon!

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